For online, we broke the campaign into two parts: pre-launch and post-launch.
A short film of the teddy bear being sent into space was used for the pre-launch activity.
We took the space flight footage and made it into short engaging video trailers.
These were posted on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #TeddyInSpace.
We wanted to create some awareness around the fact that there was a new TV ad and to create some buzz and anticipation, as the trailers themselves didn’t give the game away.
Here are the teasers:
For post-launch we ran the TV spot and pushed users through to a landing page which fully focused on the offer and had a clear creative link back to the TV ad.
Showcasing the frames on teddies was a nice way of getting across how good the offer was. But it still made it fun and relevant to the overriding campaign.​​​​​​​
The offer was incredibly popular as well.
Here's some BTS stuff:
But despite all the cuteness, there were unfortunately some complaints! We had a number of mothers of little girls and boys who were worried about the safety of Jerrie The Bear, having watched her float off into space. So we created a couple of tweets to show that she was safely back on earth with customised messages for the concerned children in question:
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